
Use of a Level System to Improve Synchronous Engagement | Learning | 0.5 Hours



Use of a Level System to Improve Synchronous Engagement

Recorded in 2023

Level systems have been described as a framework which can be used to shape behavior. Level systems are commonly implemented within school settings. Recently there has been some controversy over the use of a level system and the potential negative side effects associated with the procedure. In this study we evaluated the implementation of a level system to increase synchronous engagement for children diagnosed with autism. Dr. Leaf will describe the details and results of the study and provide clinical implications for those who work with autistic individuals.

Learning Objectives

At the conclusion of the presentation the audience members will be able to discriminate how a level system is implemented in the Autism Partnership Method to how it is commonly implemented.
At the conclusion of the presentation the audience members will be able to identify how you can fluidly use a level system to shape behavior.
At the conclusion of the presentation the audience members will be able to identify the research on the use of a level system.

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