
Rants Podcast | Clinical Supervision: Are you a supervisor, mentor…? | 1 Hour



 Clinical Supervision: Are you a supervisor, mentor, case manager, trainer or just directing the technician?

Recorded in 2021


Chapter 6 of Rants with Justin and Joe will feature special guest Melissa Saunders. During this Rants, Justin, Joe, and Melissa will discuss the complicated role of a behavior analyst providing supervision. Today’s supervision context for behavior analysts can be a complex endeavor creating many challenges for the supervising behavior analyst. The discussion will include challenges unique to behavior analysts providing supervision, tips to address these challenges and maximize the effectiveness of your supervision, and any questions from the live audience.

Learning Objectives:

    1. At the completion of the discussion the audience members will identify at least one challenge unique to behavior analysts providing supervision.
    2. At the completion of the discussion the audience members will identify at least one approach to address challenges to behavior analysts providing supervision.
    3. At the completion of the discussion the audience members will identify at least one maximize the effectiveness of supervision.
Research Discussed
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