
Cool versus Not Cool Procedure Implemented via Telehealth | Learning | 0.5 Hours



Cool versus Not Cool Procedure Implemented via Telehealth

Recorded in 2023

The cool versus not cool procedure is a social discrimination program that can be used to teach a variety of skills to individuals diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder. In this study we evaluated the cool versus not cool to teach changing the conversation when bored via telehealth. Dr. Leaf will describe the details and results of the study and provide clinical implications for those who work with autistic individuals.

Learning Objectives

At the conclusion of the presentation the audience members will be able to identify the different components of the cool versus not cool procedure
At the conclusion of the presentation the audience members will be able to identify 3 advantages of the cool versus not cool procedure
At the conclusion of the presentation the audience members will be able to identify how to implement the cool versus not cool procedure via telehealth.

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