IHTBS | A Lifelong Journey: ABA and Support for Autistic Adults | Learning | 1 Hour

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A Lifelong Journey: ABA and Support for Autistic Adults

Recorded in 2023

A Lifelong Journey: ABA and Support for Autistic Adults

During this episode we chat with Shanna Bahry and Peter Gerhardt. Shanna currently serves as the Executive Director of Meaningful HOPE, an agency committed to helping practitioners and families best support individuals with disabilities in preparing for a meaningful life in adulthood. She is also an Adjunct Professor in the master’s and doctoral programs at Endicott College’s Institute for Applied Behavioral Sciences. Peter is the founding chair of the Scientific Council for the Organization for Autism Research (OAR) and currently sits on numerous professional advisory boards including Behavior Analysis in Practice, the Cambridge Center for Behavioral Studies, the Association of Professional Behavior Analysts, and the Autism Society of America. He is currently serving as the Executive Director of EPIC School and an Affiliate Professor and Doctoral Advisor at Endicott College’s Institute for Applied Behavioral Sciences. We discuss meaningful curriculum and what it means to truly individualize goals with Peter and Shanna.


Listeners will be able to define what makes a curriculum meaningful for an individual client.
Listeners will be able to determine what makes a goal or target individualized.
Listeners will be able to describe the process of “looking back” to help determine meaningful curriculum.

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