
Teaching Board Games to Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder | Learning | 0.5 Hours


Teaching Board Games to Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder

Recorded in 2023

Individuals with autism spectrum disorder often have reduced play skills, interfering with their ability to interact with same-age peers. The teaching interaction procedure has been found to be effective in teaching social skills to autistic individuals. In this study the teaching interaction procedure was used to teach board games to two children diagnosed on the autism spectrum. Dr. Leaf will describe the details and results of the study and provide clinical implications for those who work with autistic individuals.

Learning Objectives

1. At the conclusion of the presentation the audience members will be able to identify the steps of the teaching interaction procedure
2. At the conclusion of the presentation the audience members will be able to identify why teaching board games are important
3. At the conclusion of the presentation the audience members will be able to identify two areas of future research

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